0208890271 | 0705-486-778 info.forum4women@gmail.com


To ensure that Women and girls are at the center of, contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience of communities in crisis and benefit equally from the prevention of violence against women and girls and from humanitarian action.


FODDAJ envisions a world of equal opportunities for women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities.

All Women and Girls Deserve
Freedom and Empowerment

FORUM FOR WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT, DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE (FODDAJ) is a community-based organization in Ngong, Kenya. We strive to harness gender equality and women empowerment within formal and informal structures in Kenya. We work to develop the skills of women through online learning communities, high-level networking, workshops, and conferences.

We empower young women by teaching them skills in order to enable them access better opportunities. We aim to help them overcome social, economic, and cultural barriers that perpetuate sexual and gender-based violence against them.


  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
  • Human Trafficking.
  • Advocacy and Human Rights.
  • Women in Leadership and Governance.
  • Education and Vocational skills.
  • Climate Change and Resilience in Livelihoods.
  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)


  • Survivors of Violence.
  • Refugees.
  • Internally Displaced Populations.
  • Adolescent girls and young women.
  • Elderly Women.
  • Victims of Human Trafficking.
  • Women With HIV/AIDS.
  • People With Disabilities.


  • Boys and Men.
  • Community elders.
  • Local Governments
  • Partnering Institutions.

Areas Of Operation:

  • Kajiado County
  • Nairobi County
  • Narok County
  • Laikipia County
  • Isiolo County.
  • Samburu County
  • Turkana County.


Ngong Business Arcade, Ngong Town, Kajiado, Kenya.


0208890271 | 0705-486-778